Stabat Mater Menevia

Stabat Mater Menevia
We praise you O Lord and we bless you, for by thy Holy Cross thou hast redeemed the world

Saturday 1 May 2021

Fourth Sunday After Easter - Holy Mass at Sacred Heart Morriston

Fourth Sunday After Easter - Holy Mass at Sacred Heart Morriston

"I will send Him (the Paraclete) to you.  And when He is come, He will convince the world or sinandof justice and of judgement"  (John 16 5-14)

Holy Mass will be offered at Sacred Heart,  Morriston tomorrow Sunday 2nd May at 1pm.  

With the restrictions for the Coronavirus Pandemic beginning to ease,  we will nevertheless still be observing the social distancing and sanitising arrangements until further notice.  Please wear a mask throughout the Mass except at Holy Communion 

For details of the propers of the Holy Mass,  please click here,  

In today's Mass we hear about the themes of Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, and the foretelling of Our Lord sending from heaven to His Church the Sprit of truth.  The Holy Ghost will unite all hearts and teach them all truth.