The good news is that next Wednesday's (15th August) Latin Mass on the Feast of The Assumption of Our Lady, will now be a Missa Cantata, thanks to the Newcastle Emlyn Schola and the altar servers who will be jetting in from Merthyr Tydfil as well as Swansea.
Mass will commence at 12 noon at The Church of the Sacred Heart, Morriston and afterwards, there will be an informal buffet lunch so please bring a contribution in the form of food with you.
Source: The Hermeneutic of Continuity
Mass will commence at 12 noon at The Church of the Sacred Heart, Morriston and afterwards, there will be an informal buffet lunch so please bring a contribution in the form of food with you.
Source: The Hermeneutic of Continuity
Loving Mother of the Redeemer,
Gate of heaven, star of the sea,
Assist your people
who have fallen yet strive to rise again.
To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator,
yet remained a virgin after as before.
You who received Gabriel's joyful greeting,
have pity on us, poor sinners.
Gate of heaven, star of the sea,
Assist your people
who have fallen yet strive to rise again.
To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator,
yet remained a virgin after as before.
You who received Gabriel's joyful greeting,
have pity on us, poor sinners.